7.2. MHD Equations¶
7.2.1. Introduction¶
The magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) equations are:
assuming is constant. See the next section for a derivation. We can now apply the following identities (we use the fact that ):
So the MHD equations can alternatively be written as:
One can also introduce a new variable , that simplifies ( a bit.
7.2.2. Derivation¶
The above equations can easily be derived. We have the continuity equation:
Navier-Stokes equations (momentum equation) with the Lorentz force on the right-hand side:
where the current density is given by the Maxwell equation (we neglect the displacement current ):
and the Lorentz force:
from which we eliminate :
and put it into the Maxwell equation:
so we get:
assuming the magnetic diffusivity is constant, we get:
where we used the Maxwell equation:
7.2.3. Finite Element Formulation¶
We solve the following ideal MHD equations (we use , but we drop the star):
If the equation ( is satisfied initially, then it is satisfied all the time, as can be easily proved by applying a divergence to the Maxwell equation (or the equation (, resp. ( and we get , so is constant, independent of time. As a consequence, we are essentially only solving equations (, ( and (, which consist of 5 equations for 5 unknowns (components of , and ).
We discretize in time by introducing a small time step and we also linearize the convective terms:
Testing ( by the test functions , ( by the functions and ( by the test function , we obtain the following weak formulation:
To better understand the structure of these equations, we write it using bilinear and linear forms, as well as take into account the symmetries of the forms. Then we get a particularly simple structure:
E.g. there are only 4 distinct bilinear forms. Schematically we can visualize the structure by:
A |
-X |
-B |
A |
-Y |
-B |
X |
Y |
-B |
A |
-B |
A |
In order to solve it with Hermes, we first need to write it in the block form:
comparing to the above, we get the following nonzero forms:
and , …, are the same as above.