3.38. Ordinary Differential Equations

3.38.1. Finite Difference Formulas

We define the backward difference operator \nabla_h by:

\nabla_h f(a) = f(a) - f(a-h)

Repeated application gives:

\nabla_h^2 f(a) = \nabla_h (f(a) - f(a-h))
    = f(a) - f(a-h) -f(a-h) + f(a-2h)
    = f(a) - 2f(a-h) + f(a-2h)

\nabla_h^3 f(a) = f(a) - 3f(a-h) + 3f(a-2h)-f(a-3h)

\nabla_h^n f(a) = \sum_{k=0}^n \binom{n}{k}(-1)^k f(a-kh)

We can also derive a formula for f(a+t) where t is any real number, independent of h:

f(a-h) = (1-\nabla_h) f(a)

(1-\nabla_h)^{-1} f(a-h) = f(a)

(1-\nabla_h)^{-1} f(a) = f(a+h)

(1-\nabla_h)^{-n} f(a) = f(a+nh)

(1-\nabla_h)^{-{t\over h}} f(a) = f(a+t)

Now we can express the following general integral using the function value from either left (f(a)) or right (f(a+h)) hand side of the interval h:

\int_a^{a+h} f(t) \,\d t
    = \int_0^h f(a+t) \,\d t
    = \int_0^h (1-\nabla_h)^{-{t\over h}} f(a) \,\d t

    = - {h\nabla_h\over (1-\nabla_h) \log(1-\nabla_h)}f(a) =

    = h \left(1+\half\nabla_h + {5\over 12}\nabla_h^2+{3\over8}
        \nabla_h^3+\cdots\right) f(a) =

    = - {h\nabla_h\over \log(1-\nabla_h)} (1-\nabla_h)^{-1}f(a)
    = - {h\nabla_h\over \log(1-\nabla_h)} f(a+h) =

    = h \left(1-\half\nabla_h - {1\over 12}\nabla_h^2-{1\over24}
        \nabla_h^3+\cdots\right) f(a+h)


>>> from sympy import var, simplify, integrate
>>> var("nabla t h")
(nabla, t, h)
>>> s = integrate((1-nabla)**(-t/h), (t, 0, h))
>>> simplify(s)
h*nabla/(-log(1 - nabla) + nabla*log(1 - nabla))
>>> s.series(nabla, 0, 5)
h + h*nabla/2 + 5*h*nabla**2/12 + 3*h*nabla**3/8 + 251*h*nabla**4/720 + O(nabla**5)
>>> s2 = s*(1-nabla)
>>> simplify(s2)
-h*nabla/log(1 - nabla)
>>> s2.series(nabla, 0, 5)
h - h*nabla/2 - h*nabla**2/12 - h*nabla**3/24 - 19*h*nabla**4/720 + O(nabla**5)

Keeping terms only to third-order, we obtain:

\int_a^{a+h} f(t) \,\d t
    = - {h\nabla_h\over (1-\nabla_h) \log(1-\nabla_h)}f(a)
    \approx h \left(1+\half\nabla_h + {5\over 12}\nabla_h^2+{3\over8}
        \nabla_h^3\right) f(a)

    = h f(a) + h\half\left(f(a)-f(a-h)\right)
        +h{5\over 12}\left(f(a)-2f(a-h)+f(a-2h)\right)+


    = h\left(1+\half+{5\over12}+{3\over8}\right)f(a)
      -h\left(\half+{2\cdot5\over12}+{3\cdot3\over8}\right)f(a-h) +


    = h{55\over24}f(a) -h{59\over24}f(a-h) +
      h{37\over24}f(a-2h) -h{3\over8}f(a-3h)

    = {h\over24}\left(55f(a) -59f(a-h) + 37f(a-2h) -9f(a-3h)\right)


\int_a^{a+h} f(t) \,\d t
    = - {h\nabla_h\over\log(1-\nabla_h)}f(a+h)
    \approx h \left(1-\half\nabla_h - {1\over 12}\nabla_h^2-{1\over24}
        \nabla_h^3\right) f(a+h)

    = {h\over24}\left(9f(a+h) +19f(a) -5f(a-h) +f(a-2h)\right)


>>> from sympy import var
>>> var("f0 f1 f2 f3")
(f0, f1, f2, f3)
>>> nabla1 = f0 - f1
>>> nabla2 = f0 - 2*f1 + f2
>>> nabla3 = f0 - 3*f1 + 3*f2 - f3
>>> 24*(f0 + nabla1/2 + 5*nabla2/12 + 3*nabla3/8)
-59*f1 - 9*f3 + 37*f2 + 55*f0
>>> 24*(f0 - nabla1/2 - nabla2/12 - nabla3/24)
f3 - 5*f2 + 9*f0 + 19*f1

3.38.2. Integrating ODE

Set of linear ODEs can be written in the form:

({\d y\over\d r} = G y

For example for the Schrödinger we have

y = \begin{pmatrix}
    P \\

G = \begin{pmatrix}
    0 & 1 \\
    -2(E-V) - {l(l+1)\over r^2} & 0 \\

Now we need to choose a grid r = r(t), where t is some uniform grid. For example r = r_0 (e^t-1):

r_i = r_0 (e^{t_i} - 1)

t_i = (i-1)h

where i = 1, 2, 3, \dots, N. We also need the derivative, for the exampe above we get:

{\d r\over\d t} = r_0 e^t

Now we substitute this into (

{\d y\over\d t} = {\d r\over\d t} G y

We can integrate this system from a to a+h on a uniform grid t_i:

y(a+h) = y(a) + \int_a^{a+h} {\d r\over\d t} G y\,\d t
    = y(a) + \int_a^{a+h} f(t)\,\d t

where f(t) = {\d r\over\d t} G y and we use some method to approximate the integral, see the previous section.

3.38.3. Radial Poisson Equation

Radial Poisson equation is:

(''(r) + {2\over r} V'(r) = -4\pi n(r)

The left hand side can be written as:

V'' + {2\over r} V'
    = {1\over r} \left(r V'' + 2V'\right)
    = {1\over r} \left(r V\right)''

So the Poisson equation can also be written as:

('' = -4\pi r\, n

Now we determine the values of V(0), V'(0) and the behavior of V(\infty) and V'(\infty). The equation determines V up to an arbitrary constant, so we set V(\infty) = 0 and now the potential V is determined uniquely.

The 3D integral of the (number) density is equal to the total (numeric) charge, which is equal to Z (number of electrons). We can then use the Poisson equation to rewrite the integral in terms of V:

Z = \int n({\bf x}) \d^3 x
    = \int n(r) r^2\d\Omega\d r
    = \int_0^\infty 4\pi n(r) r^2\d r =

    = -\int_0^\infty (rV)'' r\d r =

    = \int_0^\infty (rV)'\d r - [(rV)'r]_0^\infty =

    = [rV]_0^\infty - [(rV)'r]_0^\infty =

    = [rV - (rV)'r]_0^\infty =

    = -[V'r^2]_0^\infty =

    = \lim_{r\to0} V'(r)r^2 -\lim_{r\to\infty} V'(r)r^2


\lim_{r\to0} V'(r)r^2 = C

Then around r\to0 we get V'(r) = {C\over r^2} and V(r) = -{C\over r}+D (for some constant D). As such, C is a point charge (delta function) at the origin. From now on, we will assume no point charge, i.e. C=0.

In the limit r\to\infty, we get the equation:

V'(r) = -{Z-C\over r^2} = -{Z\over r^2}

by integrating (and requiring that V vanished in infinity to get rid of the integration constant), we get for r\to\infty:

V(r) = {Z\over r}

Integrating ( directly, we get:

[(rV)']_0^\infty = -4\pi\int_0^\infty r n(r) \d r

[V + rV']_0^\infty = -4\pi\int_0^\infty r n(r) \d r

We already know that V' behaves like -{Z\over r^2} in infinity, so rV' vanishes. Requiring V itself to vanish in infinity, the left hand side simplifies to -V(0) and we get:

V(0) = 4\pi\int_0^\infty r n(r) \d r

Last thing to determine is V'(0). To do that, we expand the charge density and potential (and it’s derivatives) into a series around the origin:

n(r) = n_0 + n_1 r + n_2 r^2 + \cdots = \sum_{k=0}^\infty n_k r^k

V(r) = V_0 + V_1 r + V_2 r^2 + \cdots = \sum_{k=0}^\infty V_k r^k

V'(r) = \sum_{k=1}^\infty V_k k r^{k-1}

V''(r) = \sum_{k=2}^\infty V_k k(k-1) r^{k-2}

And substitute into the equation (

\sum_{k=2}^\infty V_k k(k-1) r^{k-2} +
    {2\over r}\sum_{k=1}^\infty V_k k r^{k-1} =
    -4\pi \sum_{k=0}^\infty n_k r^k

\sum_{k=2}^\infty V_k k(k-1) r^{k-2} + {2\over r} V_1 +
    {2\over r}\sum_{k=2}^\infty V_k k r^{k-1} =
    -4\pi \sum_{k=0}^\infty n_k r^k

\sum_{k=2}^\infty V_k k(k-1) r^{k-2} + {2\over r} V_1 +
    \sum_{k=2}^\infty 2V_k k r^{k-2} =
    -4\pi \sum_{k=0}^\infty n_k r^k

{2\over r} V_1 +
    \sum_{k=2}^\infty V_k k\left((k-1) +2\right)r^{k-2}
    -4\pi \sum_{k=0}^\infty n_k r^k

{2\over r} V_1 +
    \sum_{k=2}^\infty V_k k(k+1)r^{k-2}
    -4\pi \sum_{k=0}^\infty n_k r^k

{2\over r} V_1 +
    \sum_{l=0}^\infty V_{l+2} (l+2)(l+3)r^l
    -4\pi \sum_{k=0}^\infty n_k r^k

{2\over r} V_1
    -\sum_{k=0}^\infty \left(4\pi n_k+V_{k+2} (k+2)(k+3)\right) r^k

We now multiply the whole equation by r and then set r=0. We get V_1 = 0, so V'(0) = V_1 = 0. We put it back into the equation to get:

\sum_{k=0}^\infty \left(4\pi n_k+V_{k+2} (k+2)(k+3)\right) r^k = 0

This must hold for all r, so we get the following set of equations for k=0,
1, \cdots:

4\pi n_k+V_{k+2} (k+2)(k+3) = 0

from which we express V_k for all k \ge 2. We already know the values for k=1 and k=0 from earlier, so overall we get:

V_0 = 4\pi\int_0^\infty r n(r) \d r

V_1 = 0

V_{k+2} = -{4\pi n_k\over (k+2)(k+3)}

in particular:

V_2 = - {4\pi n_0\over 6} = -{2\pi\over 3} n_0

V_3 = - {4\pi n_1\over 12} = -{\pi\over 3} n_1

V_4 = - {4\pi n_2\over 20} = -{\pi\over 5} n_2

V_5 = - {4\pi n_3\over 30} = -{2\pi\over 15} n_3


So we get the following series expansion for V and V':

V = V_0 -{2\pi\over 3} n_0 r^2 -{\pi\over 3} n_1 r^3-{\pi\over 5} n_2 r^4
    -{2\pi\over 15} n_3 r^5 - \cdots

V' = -{4\pi\over 3} n_0 r -\pi n_1 r^2-{4\pi\over 5} n_2 r^3
    -{2\pi\over 3} n_3 r^4 - \cdots


It is useful to have analytic solutions to test the numerical solvers. Here we present a few.

Gaussian Charge

The Gaussian charge is simply a Gaussian, normalized in such a way that the total charge is Z:

( = {Z\alpha^3 \over \pi^{3\over2} } e^{-\alpha^2 r^2}

Let us verify the normalization by calculating the total charge Q:

Q = \int n({\bf x}) \d^3 x
    = 4\pi \int_0^\infty n(r) r^2 \d r =

= 4\pi \int_0^\infty {Z\alpha^3 \over \pi^{3\over2} } e^{-\alpha^2 r^2}
    r^2 \d r =

= {4 Z \alpha^3 \over \sqrt\pi} \int_0^\infty e^{-\alpha^2 r^2} r^2 \d r =

= {4 Z \alpha^3 \over \sqrt\pi} {\sqrt\pi\over 4\alpha^3} = Z

So the total charge is Q=Z, as expected. Code:

>>> from sympy import var, integrate, exp, Symbol, oo
>>> var("r")
>>> alpha=Symbol("alpha", positive=True)
>>> integrate(exp(-alpha**2*r**2)*r**2, (r, 0, oo))

Now we calculate the potential V(r) from the Poisson equation (

\left(rV(r)\right)'' = -4\pi r n(r)
    = -{4\alpha^3 r Z\over \sqrt\pi } e^{-\alpha^2 r^2}

\left(rV(r)\right)' = {2 Z\alpha\over \sqrt\pi } e^{-\alpha^2 r^2} + A

r V(r) = Z \,\mbox{erf}(\alpha r) + Ar + B

V(r) = Z \,{\mbox{erf}(\alpha r) \over r} + A + {B\over r}

We have two integration constants A and B. We fix the potential using the condition V(\infty) = 0, which implies A=0. The other constant B is a point charge at the origin, which in our case ( is zero, so B=0.

We finally obtain the potential:

V(r) = Z \,{\mbox{erf}(\alpha r) \over r}

We can calculate the electrostatic self-energy, i.e. the energy of interaction of the charge n(r) with the potential generated by this charge V(r):

E_\mathrm{self} =
\half \int n({\bf x}) V({\bf x}) \d^3 x
    = {4\pi\over2} \int_0^\infty n(r) V(r) r^2 \d r =

= 2\pi \int_0^\infty {Z\alpha^3 \over \pi^{3\over2} } e^{-\alpha^2 r^2}
    Z \,{\mbox{erf}(\alpha r) \over r} r^2 \d r =

= {2 Z^2 \alpha^3 \over \sqrt\pi}
    \int_0^\infty e^{-\alpha^2 r^2} \mbox{erf}(\alpha r) r \d r =

= {2 Z^2 \alpha^3 \over \sqrt\pi} {\sqrt 2 \over 4\alpha^2} =

= {Z^2 \alpha\over \sqrt{2\pi}}


>>> from sympy import var, integrate, exp, Symbol, oo, erf
>>> var("r")
>>> alpha=Symbol("alpha", positive=True)
>>> integrate(exp(-alpha**2*r**2)*erf(alpha*r)*r, (r, 0, oo))

Exponential Charge

The exponential charge is simply an exponential, normalized in such a way that the total charge is Z:

( = {Z\alpha^3 \over 8\pi} e^{-\alpha r}

Let us verify the normalization by calculating the total charge Q:

Q = \int n({\bf x}) \d^3 x
    = 4\pi \int_0^\infty n(r) r^2 \d r =

= 4\pi \int_0^\infty {Z\alpha^3 \over 8\pi} e^{-\alpha r}
    r^2 \d r =

= {Z \alpha^3 \over 2} \int_0^\infty e^{-\alpha r} r^2 \d r =

= {Z \alpha^3 \over 2} {2\over\alpha^3} = Z

So the total charge is Q=Z, as expected.

Now we calculate the potential V(r) from the Poisson equation (

\left(rV(r)\right)'' = -4\pi r n(r)
    = -{Z\alpha^3 \over 2} r e^{-\alpha r}

V(r) = - Z \left({\alpha\over2} + {1\over r}\right) e^{-\alpha r} + A + {B\over r}

Similarly as for the Gaussian charge, we require the potential V(r) to vanish at infinity, which implies A=0. Then we calculate the point charge at the origin:

C = \lim_{r\to0} V'(r)r^2 =

= \lim_{r\to0}
\half \left(- 2 B e^{\alpha r} + Z \alpha r \left(\alpha r + 1\right)
+ Z \left(\alpha r + 2\right)\right) e^{- \alpha r} =

= Z - B

We do not have any point charge at the origin, so C=Z - B = 0, from which it follows B = Z. We finally obtain:

V(r) = - Z \left({\alpha\over2} + {1\over r}\right) e^{-\alpha r}
    + {Z \over r}
    = Z \left({1-e^{-\alpha r} \over r} - {\alpha e^{-\alpha r}
        \over 2}\right)

Let us calculate the self-energy:

E_\mathrm{self} =
\half \int n({\bf x}) V({\bf x}) \d^3 x
    = {4\pi\over2} \int_0^\infty n(r) V(r) r^2 \d r =

= 2\pi \int_0^\infty
{Z\alpha^3 \over 8\pi} e^{-\alpha r}
Z \left({1-e^{-\alpha r} \over r} - {\alpha e^{-\alpha r}
        \over 2}\right)
r^2 \d r =

= {Z^2 \alpha^3 \over 4}
    \int_0^\infty e^{-\alpha r}
   \left({1-e^{-\alpha r} \over r} - {\alpha e^{-\alpha r}
        \over 2}\right)
    r^2 \d r =

= {Z^2 \alpha^3 \over 4}
    \left({5\over 8\alpha^2}\right) =

= {5Z^2 \alpha \over 32}


>>> from sympy import var, integrate, exp, Symbol, oo
>>> var("r Z B")
(r, Z, B)
>>> alpha=Symbol("alpha", positive=True)
>>> integrate(exp(-alpha*r)*r**2, (r, 0, oo))
>>> V = integrate(-Z*alpha**3/2 * r * exp(-alpha*r), r, r)/r
>>> V.simplify()
-Z*(alpha*r + 2)*exp(-alpha*r)/(2*r)
>>> ((V+B/r).diff(r)*r**2).simplify()
(-2*B*exp(alpha*r) + Z*alpha*r*(alpha*r + 1) + Z*(alpha*r +
>>> ((V+B/r).diff(r)*r**2).limit(r, 0)
-B + Z
>>> integrate(exp(-alpha*r)*((1-exp(-alpha*r))/r-alpha*exp(-alpha*r)/2)*r**2, (r, 0, oo))

Piecewise Polynomial Charge

We will use a second-derivative continuous piecewise polynomial for n(r), normalized in such a way that the total charge is Z:

( = \begin{cases}
-21Z(r-r_c)^3(6r^2+3rr_c+r_c^2)/(5\pi r_c^8) &\quad\mbox{for $0\le r \le r_c$}\cr
0&\quad\mbox{for $r>r_c$}\cr

Let us verify the normalization by calculating the total charge Q:

Q = \int n({\bf x}) \d^3 x
    = 4\pi \int_0^\infty n(r) r^2 \d r =

= 4\pi \int_0^{r_c} -21Z(r-r_c)^3(6r^2+3rr_c+r_c^2)/(5\pi r_c^8)
    r^2 \d r =

= Z

So the total charge is Q=Z, as expected.

Now we calculate the potential V(r) from the Poisson equation (

\left(rV(r)\right)'' = -4\pi r n(r)
    = 4\pi r \cdot 21Z(r-r_c)^3(6r^2+3rr_c+r_c^2)/(5\pi r_c^8)

V(r) = \begin{cases}
\frac{Z r^{2}}{5 r_{c}^{8}} \left(9 r^{5} - 30 r^{4} r_{c} + 28
r^{3} r_{c}^{2} - 14 r_{c}^{5}\right) + A_1 + {B_1\over r}
&\quad\mbox{for $0\le r \le r_c$}\cr
A_2 + {B_2\over r}&\quad\mbox{for $r>r_c$}\cr

Similarly as for the Gaussian charge, we require the potential V(r) to vanish at infinity, which implies A_2=0. Then we calculate the point charge at the origin:

C = \lim_{r\to0} V'(r)r^2 =

= \lim_{r\to0}\left(
- B_1 + \frac{63 Z r^{8}}{5 r_{c}^{8}} - \frac{36 Z}{r_{c}^{7}} r^{7} +
  \frac{28 Z}{r_{c}^{6}} r^{6} - \frac{28 Z r^{3}}{5 r_{c}^{3}}

= -B_1

We do not have any point charge at the origin, so C=-B_1 = 0, from which it follows B_1 = 0. Then B_2 is calculated from the condition of a continuous first derivative at r=r_c:

V'(r_c) = \begin{cases}
-{Z\over r_c^2} &\quad\mbox{for $0\le r \le r_c$}\cr
-{B_2\over r_c^2}&\quad\mbox{for $r>r_c$}\cr

So B_2=Z. Finally, A_1 is calculated from the continuous values of V(r_c):

V(r_c) = \begin{cases}
A_1-{7Z\over 5r_c} &\quad\mbox{for $0\le r \le r_c$}\cr
{Z\over r_c}&\quad\mbox{for $r>r_c$}\cr

which implies A_1={12Z\over 5r_c}. We finally obtain:

V(r) = \begin{cases}
\frac{Z}{5 r_{c}^{8}} \left(9r^7 - 30r^6r_c + 28r^5r_c^2 - 14r^2r_c^5
    + 12 r_c^7\right) &\quad\mbox{for $0\le r \le r_c$}\cr
{Z\over r}&\quad\mbox{for $r>r_c$}\cr

Let us calculate the self-energy:

E_\mathrm{self} =
\half \int n({\bf x}) V({\bf x}) \d^3 x
    = {4\pi\over2} \int_0^\infty n(r) V(r) r^2 \d r =

= 2\pi \int_0^{r_c}
-21Z(r-r_c)^3(6r^2+3rr_c+r_c^2)/(5\pi r_c^8)
\frac{Z}{5 r_{c}^{8}} \left(9r^7 - 30r^6r_c + 28r^5r_c^2 - 14r^2r_c^5
    + 12 r_c^7\right)
r^2 \d r =

= {15962 Z^2 \over 17875 r_c}

Let us also calculate the following integral:

I_g =
\int n({\bf x}) \left({Z\over r}-V({\bf x})\right) \d^3 x
    = 4\pi \int_0^\infty n(r) \left({Z\over r}-V(r)\right) r^2 \d r =

= {10976 Z^2 \over 17875 r_c}

Which agrees with [Pask2012], equation (10c). The following integral over the sphere of radius r_c:

I_{sph} =
\int_{\Omega: r < r_c} \left({Z\over r}-V({\bf x})\right) \d^3 x
    = 4\pi \int_0^{r_c} \left({Z\over r}-V(r)\right) r^2 \d r =

= {14 \pi Z r_c^2 \over 75}

Again in agreement with [Pask2012], the paragraph after equation (17).


>>> from sympy import var, pi, integrate, solve
>>> var("r r_c Z A B")
(r, r_c, Z, A, B)
>>> n = -21*Z*(r-r_c)**3*(6*r**2+3*r*r_c+r_c**2)/(5*pi* r_c**8)
>>> 4*pi*integrate(n*r**2, (r, 0, r_c))
>>> V = integrate(-4*pi*r*n, r, r)/r
>>> V.simplify()
Z*r**2*(9*r**5 - 30*r**4*r_c + 28*r**3*r_c**2 - 14*r_c**5)/(5*r_c**8)
>>> ((V+A+B/r).diff(r)*r**2).simplify()
-B + 63*Z*r**8/(5*r_c**8) - 36*Z*r**7/r_c**7 + 28*Z*r**6/r_c**6 - 28*Z*r**3/(5*r_c**3)
>>> (V+A).diff(r).subs(r, r_c)
>>> (V+A).subs(r, r_c)
A - 7*Z/(5*r_c)
>>> A = solve((V+A).subs(r, r_c)-Z/r_c, A)[0]
>>> A
>>> V = V + A
>>> V.simplify()
Z*(r**2*(9*r**5 - 30*r**4*r_c + 28*r**3*r_c**2 - 14*r_c**5) + 12*r_c**7)/(5*r_c**8)
>>> 2*pi*integrate(n*V*r**2, (r, 0, r_c))
>>> 4*pi*integrate(n*(Z/r-V)*r**2, (r, 0, r_c))
>>> 4*pi*integrate((Z/r-V)*r**2, (r, 0, r_c))

Alternatively, one can also calculate this using a Piecewise function:

>>> from sympy import var, pi, integrate, solve, Piecewise, oo, Symbol
>>> var("r Z A B")
(r, Z, A, B)
>>> r_c = Symbol("r_c", positive=True)
>>> n = Piecewise((-21*Z*(r - r_c)**3*(6*r**2 + 3*r*r_c + r_c**2)/(5*pi*r_c**8), r <= r_c), (0, True))
>>> 4*pi*integrate(n*r**2, (r, 0, oo))
>>> V = integrate(-4*pi*r*n, r, r)/r
>>> V.simplify()
Piecewise((Z*r**2*(9*r**5 - 30*r**4*r_c + 28*r**3*r_c**2 - 14*r_c**5)/(5*r_c**8), r <= r_c), (0, True))
>>> ((V+A+B/r).diff(r)*r**2).simplify()
Piecewise((-B + 63*Z*r**8/(5*r_c**8) - 36*Z*r**7/r_c**7 + 28*Z*r**6/r_c**6 - 28*Z*r**3/(5*r_c**3), r <= r_c), (-B, True))
>>> (V+A).diff(r).subs(r, r_c)
>>> (V+A).subs(r, r_c)
A - 7*Z/(5*r_c)
>>> A = solve((V+A).subs(r, r_c)-Z/r_c, A)[0]
>>> A
>>> V = V + Piecewise((A, r <= r_c), (0, True))
>>> V.simplify()
Piecewise((Z*(r**2*(9*r**5 - 30*r**4*r_c + 28*r**3*r_c**2 - 14*r_c**5)/r_c**7 + 12)/(5*r_c), r <= r_c), (0, True))
>>> 2*pi*integrate(n*V*r**2, (r, 0, oo))
>>> 4*pi*integrate(n*(Z/r-V)*r**2, (r, 0, oo))
[Pask2012] (1,2)

Pask, J. E., Sukumar, N., Mousavi, S. E. (2012). Linear scaling solution of the all-electron Coulomb problem in solids. International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 10(1), 83–99. doi:10.1615/IntJMultCompEng.2011002201