3.38. Ordinary Differential Equations¶
3.38.1. Finite Difference Formulas¶
We define the backward difference operator by:
Repeated application gives:
We can also derive a formula for where
is any real number,
independent of
Now we can express the following general integral using the function value from
either left () or right (
) hand side of the interval
>>> from sympy import var, simplify, integrate
>>> var("nabla t h")
(nabla, t, h)
>>> s = integrate((1-nabla)**(-t/h), (t, 0, h))
>>> simplify(s)
h*nabla/(-log(1 - nabla) + nabla*log(1 - nabla))
>>> s.series(nabla, 0, 5)
h + h*nabla/2 + 5*h*nabla**2/12 + 3*h*nabla**3/8 + 251*h*nabla**4/720 + O(nabla**5)
>>> s2 = s*(1-nabla)
>>> simplify(s2)
-h*nabla/log(1 - nabla)
>>> s2.series(nabla, 0, 5)
h - h*nabla/2 - h*nabla**2/12 - h*nabla**3/24 - 19*h*nabla**4/720 + O(nabla**5)
Keeping terms only to third-order, we obtain:
>>> from sympy import var
>>> var("f0 f1 f2 f3")
(f0, f1, f2, f3)
>>> nabla1 = f0 - f1
>>> nabla2 = f0 - 2*f1 + f2
>>> nabla3 = f0 - 3*f1 + 3*f2 - f3
>>> 24*(f0 + nabla1/2 + 5*nabla2/12 + 3*nabla3/8)
-59*f1 - 9*f3 + 37*f2 + 55*f0
>>> 24*(f0 - nabla1/2 - nabla2/12 - nabla3/24)
f3 - 5*f2 + 9*f0 + 19*f1
3.38.2. Integrating ODE¶
Set of linear ODEs can be written in the form:
For example for the Schrödinger we have
Now we need to choose a grid , where
is some uniform grid. For
where . We also need the derivative, for the exampe
above we get:
Now we substitute this into (
We can integrate this system from to
on a uniform grid
where and we use some method to approximate the
integral, see the previous section.
3.38.3. Radial Poisson Equation¶
Radial Poisson equation is:
The left hand side can be written as:
So the Poisson equation can also be written as:
Now we determine the values of ,
and the behavior of
. The equation determines
up to an
arbitrary constant, so we set
and now the potential
determined uniquely.
The 3D integral of the (number) density is equal to the total (numeric) charge, which is equal to (number of electrons). We can then use the Poisson equation to rewrite the integral in terms of
Then around we get
(for some constant
). As such,
is a point charge (delta function) at
the origin. From now on, we will assume no point charge, i.e.
In the limit , we get the equation:
by integrating (and requiring that vanished in infinity to get rid of the
integration constant), we get for
Integrating ( directly, we get:
We already know that behaves like
in infinity,
vanishes. Requiring
itself to
vanish in infinity, the left hand side simplifies to
and we get:
Last thing to determine is . To do that, we expand the charge density
and potential (and it’s derivatives) into a series around the origin:
And substitute into the equation (
We now multiply the whole equation by and then set
. We get
, so
. We put it back into the equation to get:
This must hold for all , so we get the following set of equations for
from which we express for all
We already know the values for
from earlier, so overall we get:
in particular:
So we get the following series expansion for and
It is useful to have analytic solutions to test the numerical solvers. Here we present a few.
Gaussian Charge¶
The Gaussian charge is simply a Gaussian, normalized in such a way that the
total charge is :
Let us verify the normalization by calculating the total charge :
So the total charge is , as expected. Code:
>>> from sympy import var, integrate, exp, Symbol, oo
>>> var("r")
>>> alpha=Symbol("alpha", positive=True)
>>> integrate(exp(-alpha**2*r**2)*r**2, (r, 0, oo))
Now we calculate the potential from the Poisson equation
We have two integration constants and
. We fix the potential using the
, which implies
. The other constant
is a
point charge at the origin, which in our case ( is zero, so
We finally obtain the potential:
We can calculate the electrostatic self-energy, i.e. the energy of
interaction of the charge with the potential generated by this
>>> from sympy import var, integrate, exp, Symbol, oo, erf
>>> var("r")
>>> alpha=Symbol("alpha", positive=True)
>>> integrate(exp(-alpha**2*r**2)*erf(alpha*r)*r, (r, 0, oo))
Exponential Charge¶
The exponential charge is simply an exponential, normalized in such a way that
the total charge is :
Let us verify the normalization by calculating the total charge :
So the total charge is , as expected.
Now we calculate the potential from the Poisson equation
Similarly as for the Gaussian charge, we require the potential to vanish
at infinity, which implies
. Then we calculate the point charge at the
We do not have any point charge at the origin, so , from which it
. We finally obtain:
Let us calculate the self-energy:
>>> from sympy import var, integrate, exp, Symbol, oo
>>> var("r Z B")
(r, Z, B)
>>> alpha=Symbol("alpha", positive=True)
>>> integrate(exp(-alpha*r)*r**2, (r, 0, oo))
>>> V = integrate(-Z*alpha**3/2 * r * exp(-alpha*r), r, r)/r
>>> V.simplify()
-Z*(alpha*r + 2)*exp(-alpha*r)/(2*r)
>>> ((V+B/r).diff(r)*r**2).simplify()
(-2*B*exp(alpha*r) + Z*alpha*r*(alpha*r + 1) + Z*(alpha*r +
>>> ((V+B/r).diff(r)*r**2).limit(r, 0)
-B + Z
>>> integrate(exp(-alpha*r)*((1-exp(-alpha*r))/r-alpha*exp(-alpha*r)/2)*r**2, (r, 0, oo))
Piecewise Polynomial Charge¶
We will use a second-derivative continuous piecewise polynomial for ,
normalized in such a way that the total charge is
Let us verify the normalization by calculating the total charge :
So the total charge is , as expected.
Now we calculate the potential from the Poisson equation
Similarly as for the Gaussian charge, we require the potential to vanish
at infinity, which implies
. Then we calculate the point charge at the
We do not have any point charge at the origin, so , from which it
. Then
is calculated from the condition of a continuous
first derivative at
So . Finally,
is calculated from the continuous
values of
which implies . We finally obtain:
Let us calculate the self-energy:
Let us also calculate the following integral:
Which agrees with [Pask2012], equation (10c). The following integral over the
sphere of radius :
Again in agreement with [Pask2012], the paragraph after equation (17).
>>> from sympy import var, pi, integrate, solve
>>> var("r r_c Z A B")
(r, r_c, Z, A, B)
>>> n = -21*Z*(r-r_c)**3*(6*r**2+3*r*r_c+r_c**2)/(5*pi* r_c**8)
>>> 4*pi*integrate(n*r**2, (r, 0, r_c))
>>> V = integrate(-4*pi*r*n, r, r)/r
>>> V.simplify()
Z*r**2*(9*r**5 - 30*r**4*r_c + 28*r**3*r_c**2 - 14*r_c**5)/(5*r_c**8)
>>> ((V+A+B/r).diff(r)*r**2).simplify()
-B + 63*Z*r**8/(5*r_c**8) - 36*Z*r**7/r_c**7 + 28*Z*r**6/r_c**6 - 28*Z*r**3/(5*r_c**3)
>>> (V+A).diff(r).subs(r, r_c)
>>> (V+A).subs(r, r_c)
A - 7*Z/(5*r_c)
>>> A = solve((V+A).subs(r, r_c)-Z/r_c, A)[0]
>>> A
>>> V = V + A
>>> V.simplify()
Z*(r**2*(9*r**5 - 30*r**4*r_c + 28*r**3*r_c**2 - 14*r_c**5) + 12*r_c**7)/(5*r_c**8)
>>> 2*pi*integrate(n*V*r**2, (r, 0, r_c))
>>> 4*pi*integrate(n*(Z/r-V)*r**2, (r, 0, r_c))
>>> 4*pi*integrate((Z/r-V)*r**2, (r, 0, r_c))
Alternatively, one can also calculate this using a Piecewise
>>> from sympy import var, pi, integrate, solve, Piecewise, oo, Symbol
>>> var("r Z A B")
(r, Z, A, B)
>>> r_c = Symbol("r_c", positive=True)
>>> n = Piecewise((-21*Z*(r - r_c)**3*(6*r**2 + 3*r*r_c + r_c**2)/(5*pi*r_c**8), r <= r_c), (0, True))
>>> 4*pi*integrate(n*r**2, (r, 0, oo))
>>> V = integrate(-4*pi*r*n, r, r)/r
>>> V.simplify()
Piecewise((Z*r**2*(9*r**5 - 30*r**4*r_c + 28*r**3*r_c**2 - 14*r_c**5)/(5*r_c**8), r <= r_c), (0, True))
>>> ((V+A+B/r).diff(r)*r**2).simplify()
Piecewise((-B + 63*Z*r**8/(5*r_c**8) - 36*Z*r**7/r_c**7 + 28*Z*r**6/r_c**6 - 28*Z*r**3/(5*r_c**3), r <= r_c), (-B, True))
>>> (V+A).diff(r).subs(r, r_c)
>>> (V+A).subs(r, r_c)
A - 7*Z/(5*r_c)
>>> A = solve((V+A).subs(r, r_c)-Z/r_c, A)[0]
>>> A
>>> V = V + Piecewise((A, r <= r_c), (0, True))
>>> V.simplify()
Piecewise((Z*(r**2*(9*r**5 - 30*r**4*r_c + 28*r**3*r_c**2 - 14*r_c**5)/r_c**7 + 12)/(5*r_c), r <= r_c), (0, True))
>>> 2*pi*integrate(n*V*r**2, (r, 0, oo))
>>> 4*pi*integrate(n*(Z/r-V)*r**2, (r, 0, oo))