8.11. Hartree-Fock (HF) Method¶
8.11.1. Derivation¶
The interacting Hamiltonian for many body Schrödinger equation is (see the general QFT notes for derivation):
where are spin orbitals (thus the integration over
We would like to minimize the energy using
the following basis for
We express the energy in this basis:
We minimize it with the constrain :
We obtain:
in the -representation:
And writing the individual terms explicitly (in this section, all orbitals are spin orbitals):
we get the Hartree-Fock equations:
Let’s introduce the number density , Hartree potential
and nonlocal exchange potential
with its kernel
then we can write the HF equations as:
The Hartree potential can be calculated by solving the Poisson equation:
The application of the exchange potential on any function
can be calculated by:
8.11.2. Roothaan Equations For Closed Shell Systems¶
Starting from ( and integrating over spins we get (here
are spatial orbitals, not spin orbitals):
We introduce basis functions by (below the greek letters are basis
functions, latin letters are spatial orbitals):
substitute into ( and multiply by from the left:
Now we expand the functions :
we introduce the density matrix:
and get:
the equation ( is:
These are the Roothaan equations. It is a generalized eigenvalue problem.
Total energy is given by (the in the first equation are spin orbitals,
in the other equations
are spatial orbitals):
The same thing can be derived in -representation
starting from ( and introducing spatial orbitals:
We introduce basis functions :
substitute into ( and also multiply the whole equation by
and integrate over
This can be written as:
Introducing the density matrix and density:
Expanding the functions and using the density matrix we get for
In physical and chemistry notation this is written as:
Note that this notation implicitly assumes the factor, so
for example
actually means
and one has to understand this
from the context.
8.11.3. Two Particle Matrix Element¶
The two particle matrix element is:
The is called the physicists’ notation because
kets are:
The is called the chemists’ notation. From ( there
are two types of symmetries — interchanging of the dummy variables:
and taking complex conjugate:
If the matrix elements are real, then:
In general those are the only symmetries (4 total).
If however,
the functions are real, then there are additional symmetries:
an exchange
The symmetries of
are exchange of
or the
pairs (8 total):
So if we view as two boxes
then we can permute the
labels in the given box “
”, as well as exchange the boxes (the only
thing we cannot do is to take one particle from one box and put it into the
other). As such the box “
” is a pair of two electrons (in any order) and
the two electron integral assigns a unique number to a pair of such boxes (in
any order). The symmetries of the
symbol are:
Example I: the Slater integral has all 8 symmetries (Slater
integral uses physical notation).
Example II: In spherical symmetry, the 2-particle integrals can be written as (see below for derivation):
They only have 4 symmetries, because spherical harmonics are complex. In particular:
We used the symmetries of the Slater integrals as well as the
coefficients that change a sign, but thanks to the
, the overall sign does not change. The other two
symmetries are missing, i.e.
8.11.4. General Matrix Elements in Spherical Symmetry¶
Spherical symmetry is this particular choice of a basis:
It can be shown that the solutions are of the form:
We can now write:
Also we get:
From which it follows:
The index runs over all combinations of
In particular, here is an example of one possible way to index the
basis of 12 radial functions for each
So the radial index always starts from 1 for each
The overlap matrix element
The potential matrix element
The kinetic matrix element
G Matrix¶
The G matrix is given by:
Now we use:
Where the sum over all occupied orbitals can be written as:
Where the sum over is the outer sum, both
depend on
We get:
The first part is the direct term, the second part the exchange term. Let’s treat the direct term first:
For the exchange term we get:
For this can be written as:
All together we get:
Note: performing the sum over and
we get:
Radial Roothaan Equations¶
The Roothaan equations are:
The eigenvalues will be degenerate with respect to
and so the radial Roothaan equations are to be solved for each
The total energy is:
Two particle¶
We use the following functions for :
And the multipole expansion:
And we get:
In the last step we used the fact that the symbols are zero unless
, from which it follows
and so one of the
symbols is zero
, which is expressed by
Given this condition, the sum over
must be such
that one
is equal to
, which means that
otherwise the
symbols will be zero.
must also satisfy the conditions
The sign factor
is equal to both
so we just used the
We can write this using the symbols as:
We can also couple the angular momenta as follows:
and we get for the matrix elements:
Where we used the symbol:
Where we have renamed to
8.11.5. Slater Type Orbitals (STO)¶
In this section we express the matrix elements in the STO basis.
It turns out that all integrals that we need can be expressed in terms
of the following simple integral (where ):
The STO basis function for the radial Schrödinger equation for is:
Where the normalization constant is such that the STO orbital is
normalized as the radial wavefunction
from which we get:
Note that for we get the following STO basis function:
One uses either ( or ( depending on whether one solves the
radial Schrödinger equation for or for
Two particle¶
In this section we also need the following integral:
is the incomplete gamma function.
The Slater integral is
where is the integral over the lower triangle
is the
-axis and
is the
-axis), that is
Much more tedious method is the following:
The Slater integral is given by:
and we get:
Putting everything together we get:
8.11.6. Gaussian Type Orbitals (GTO)¶
In this section we express the matrix elements in the GTO basis.
It turns out that all integrals that we need can be expressed in terms
of the following simple integral (where ):
The GTO basis function for the radial Schrödinger equation for is:
However, unlike STO, the GTO functions must satisfy the condition
(this condition is later used
in ( to determine whether
is even or odd).
The normalization constant
is such that the GTO orbital is
normalized as the radial wavefunction
from which we get:
Note that for we get the following GTO basis function:
One uses either ( or ( depending on whether one solves the
radial Schrödinger equation for or for
Two particle¶
We will need the following integral:
Just like for STO, we get:
where is the integral over the lower triangle
is the
-axis and
is the
-axis), that is
where and:
8.11.7. Exchange Integral in Spherical Symmetry¶
Let’s calculate the exchange integral
for the particular choice of the functions :
We use multipole expansion:
And we get:
8.11.8. Occupation Numbers¶
We have a sum over electron states like this:
where are some functions that depend on the state numbers
(for example squares of the wavefunctions). Then there are two options —
either there is a way to sum over the
degrees of freedom, so that
the sum can be written exactly as:
where (that don’t depend on
) will in general be different
, but the sum will be the same. Or we have to approximate the sum
(for example by averaging over the angles, or in some other way) as:
In either case, the occupation numbers are simply the number of times
the functions
appear in the sum for the given
So for closed shells atoms, it is always:
because there are two spins, and possibilities for
, for open shell
is anything between
Example I¶
As an example, let’s say that after some calculation for closed shell systems we get exactly:
Then because there are exactly states in the
shell, we write the
above as:
Then we do similar calculation for the open shell system, and we have to use
some approximations to get the following formula, where the
happen to be exactly the same as for the closed shell system:
Then we denote by the number of electrons in the shell
(at least
one of them will be open, for which
we have
), and we
can write the above as:
Example II¶
The usual chemical occupation numbers for the Uranium atom are:
So the ,
shells are open, all others are closed.
By summing all these
, we get 92 states as expected:
def f_nl(n, l):
if n < 5 or (n == 5 and l <= 2):
return 2*(2*l+1)
d = {
(5, 3): 3,
(6, 0): 2,
(6, 1): 6,
(6, 2): 1,
(7, 0): 2,
if (n, l) in d:
return d[n, l]
return 0
print "Sum f_nl =", sum([f_nl(n, l) for n in range(8) for l in range(n)])
Sum f_nl = 92
8.11.9. Hartree Screening Functions¶
Hartree screening function is defined as:
and it occurs in many formulas in the Hartree Fock theory, so this section shows
how to calculate it. It depends on and a function
We first do the integral:
Now we differentiate :
Also , so we get the following set of first order
differential equations with boundary conditions:
One way to calculate the Hartree screening function is to integrate the second
equation from the left using the boundary condition and then
integrate the first equation from the right, using the boundary condition
Another way is to obtain one second order equation. Expressing from the
first equation:
and substituting into the second equation we get:
With boundary condition on the left:
and on the right:
which for becomes:
but in practise, it’s better to use the former Newton (Robin) boundary
condition. We have obtained one second order equation for
with boundary conditions:
The weak formulation is:
The boundary term can be simplified using the boundary conditions as:
so we get
where the test functions have the constrain
on the left
boundary and no constrain on the right.
8.11.10. Hartree Potential in Spherical Symmetry¶
For both open and closed shell atoms we get exactly:
For closed shell atoms we use the fact, that
and the second term disappears, and for open shell atoms
we have to use the central field approximation: we average
the integral for over the angles:
and using the fact, that
the second term disappears as well. We got the same expression for both open shell (with central field approximation) and closed shell (no approximation) atoms. The radial charge density is:
So we got:
The Hartree screening function is given by the equation:
So satisfies the radial Poisson equation:
8.11.11. Nonlocal Exchange Potential in Spherical Symmetry¶
Similarly, we calculate:
Functions with different spins don’t contribute to the sum, so there is no
multiplication by 2. We assumed closed shells atoms (we summed over all in
the above). We used the result of the integral in
Example VI and also:
8.11.12. Radial Hartree-Fock Equations¶
Using the above integrals, the HF equations become:
Using the Hartree screening functions, the HF equations are:
8.11.13. Total Energy¶
The total energy is:
Example: Helium¶
For Helium atom, the only nonzero occupation numbers are:
and the sum over simplifies to:
so we only need to solve for the state and we get:
We can combine the equations:
and we obtain:
8.11.14. FEM¶
The weak formulation is ():
for closed shell atoms:
or (here we use the index to label all functions
for the given
Introducing radial basis (where
labels all basis functions for the given
we get (here is again restricted for the subset corresponding to the given
This can be written as
The indices go over all occupied orbitals
Introducing density:
We introduce the density matrix (where as before
run over basis functions for the given
where the coefficients are the same for all
to the given
. The index
runs over all occupied states for the given
. We can write
Finally we get:
So we get:
The density matrix is zero if there are no occupied orbitals for the given
The total energy is:
where we used:
8.11.15. 4-Index Transformation¶
The 4-index transformation is a way to convert the two particle
integrals over basis functions into
two particle integrals over atomic (or molecular) orbitals
8.11.16. Green’s Functions¶
The self energy up to a second order is given by:
The ,
are occupied orbitals,
are virtual orbitals.
The Dyson equation is:
The and
are HF energies and eigenvectors,
interacting energies and eigenvectors.
The matrix
is a diagonal matrix of the
is a diagonal matrix of the
Any Green’s function
(interacting or not) can be written using the
spectral density function
as follows:
From ( we get:
The poles of the Green’s function
are then given by:
or equivalently:
and from the theory of matrices:
one obtains that
The number of particles can be calculated as follows
are occupied orbitals,
are all orbitals):
The countour only encloses poles
corresponding to occupied orbitals
Similarly for the total energy
For doubly filled orbitals we multiply the expressions by 2.